Loving Our Wives Well, Faith Presbyterian, Frederick, MD

Loving Our Wives Well, Faith Presbyterian, Frederick, MD

The six chapter follow-up study with discussion questions make this an ideal tool for:  1) an elder to go through at a monthly lunch with one of the men under his care, 2) elders to use to disciple men since their leadership at home is central to their calling as Christ’s disciples, 3) guys who regularly meet for accountability and soul sharpening to focus for six weeks on being more godly husbands, 4) a men’s small group Bible study,  5) a man to study who wants to learn from Scripture to be the best husband he can be, 6) a man to read who is totally confused about what his wife needs from him as her husband, 7) giving to a son, son in law, or friend who you know is committed to loving his wife well. So this seminar has a life-changing plan to capture the momentum of the seminar impacting your men's marriages for the long haul.