Seminars are a fantastic tool for impacting men's growth in discipleship! Here are 3 reasons: 1) The right speaker can re-ignite their passion for Christ and His kingdom. Most men already know what they should be doing; what they need most is a fresh dose of energy and inspiration to live for Christ. 2) Since most men read very little, a 3 hour seminar can give a man more content that is relevant to his walk with Christ than he normally gets in a whole year through reading. 3) What men need, even more than biblical content, is connection with other men who face the same challenges and struggles they do. Our seminars always include discussion groups.
Can our church afford to host such a seminar? The answer is most likely, "yes." Most of our seminars are 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours long. Our standard seminar fee is only $25/man with a minimum guarantee of 25 men. The host church would need to cover travel expenses of over 50 miles. Contact Gary for more information about our seminars.
Which seminar is the best one to start with? The answer is the one that best fits the needs of your guys. If they all match the needs of your men, here is a suggestion. Start with Rediscovering Biblical Manhood in year one. Host Leading Our Families Well in year two, which gives him apractical tools and a game plan for living out his calling on the home front. Then follow up with Grace Transformed Sexulaity or Becoming a Band of Brothers. However, any seminar works as a starting place if it addresses the needs of your men!
"RECOVERING THE CALL TO BIBLICAL MANHOOD" For Pre-teens, teens, and men of all ages
Get your guys discussing how we should respond to our culture, which is deconstructing God’s design of male and female and build men who have a clear definition of godly masculinity and passion to honor Christ by being godly men.
- The Masculine Design (Overcoming stereotypes and pressing back to a biblical understanding of male and female)
- Fallen Manhood: Male Energy Turned Inward (A look at selfish, controling, and passive masculinity
- Godly Manhood Restored: Male Energy Turned Outward (Creation roles and identities restored)
- A Fresh Look at Jesus God's Portrait of Manhood
For testimonials and detailed information, click here.
Follow-up Tool: Anchoring Your Child to God's Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture.
A Man and His Lord 1) Deepening our Allegiance to Him 2) How to stay focused on His Mission for Us
- A Man and His Lady 1) 4 Needs of a Wife that Only Her Husband Can Meet 2) Solving the Intimacy Misconnect
- A Man and His Kids 1) Relationship busters that undermine our leadership 2) Influencing our children to follow Jesus
- A Man and His Brother How to forge the brotherhood bonds we need for mutual strengthening
For testimonials and detailed information click here.
Follow-up Tool: Loving Our Wives Well.
Build young men & men who are equipped with grace-centered biblical principles for their life-long battle with lust.
- Further your biblical understanding of sexual desire and why lust has such power.
- Sharpen your thinking about the heart, its idols, and how to guard it
- Discover 7 grace-centered principles, which change the way a man battles lust.
- In a safe environment, be revitalized in your battle with lust--you are not alone
- Leave, determined that when you get knocked down in this battle, you will get back up
(Special optional break-out session for husbands: “Solving the Intimacy Misconnet in Marriage--Men spell intimacy SEX, wives spell it TALK")
Follow-up Tool: Grace Transformed Sexuality Small Group Study
For testimonials and detailed information click here.
Here is a YouTube interview with Gary on why this material is proving to be so helpful to men
Click here for the answers to FAQ's about the GTS seminar
“GREAT DADS” (Great for Outreach)
Build men equipped to send godliness down the line of their descendents to the third and fourth generation
- What kids really need from their dad
- How to provide unconditional love and affection
- How to instill moral and spiritual values
- The six basics of being a great dad
Gary Yagel is a senior presenter of this seminar
Click here for more information