Biblical Principles Applied > Workplace

Here are some thoughts about following Christ as men. You can use the Categories tab to find blog articles on various topics.

Honoring Christ More Than Ever in 2021

In Matt 6:25-33, Jesus says, essentially, “Don’t be preoccupied with these everyday necessities,” says Jesus, “The Father knows you need them.” Instead, BE PREOCCIPIED with something else. “The matter of greatest importance for you,” says our Lord, “your primary concern and top priority is this: SEEKING THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.” The rest of the podcast tries to bring this nebulous, vague concept into sharper focus.

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The Hunger of the Masculine Heart for Impact

Most men dream of greatness--of having a major impact on the world. Such dreams should not surprise us since men are created for impact; that is why God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, to transform it, to enable it to reach its full potential, to cause the world and culture to flourish. This episode explains how sin has corrupted that calling to make an impact in the world and challenges men to impact the world around them in five ways

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What the Resurrection Means for Our Everyday Lives

The resurrection of Christ’s physical body speaks volumes about the meta story of God’s plan for creation and our part in it. Understanding that story has very practical consequences for our everyday lives. It answers significant questions that most humans have: Why am I here? What is God’s purpose for my life? Why is the world so broken? It has great potential to fuel our passion to follow Christ's mission for us.

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